Policies & Procedures

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Members Protection

Diamond Creek Runners has adopted the Athletics Victoria member protection policy.

By becoming a member of Diamond Creek Runners (DCR), you also agree to the following:

  1. I acknowledge and accept that DCR group runs may involve the risk of injury or death from causes including (but not limited to) exertion, dehydration or over-hydration, accidents involving other members, spectators or road users, course and/or weather conditions.

  2. I understand that DCR will always attempt to reduce my personal risk while running through the implementation of strategies outlined in their policies and procedures.

  3. I understand that the safety precautions undertaken by DCR session leaders during group runs rely on compliance by members and myself and do not guarantee my personal safety.

  4. I consent to myself or my dependents’ receiving medical treatment as deemed necessary by DCR session leaders or, in their absence, another DCR member while participating in a group run.

  5. If I feel dizzy, faint or unwell it is my responsibility to stop exercising and to notify the session leader or, in their absence, another DCR member in the group of how I am feeling.

  6. If I am unable to continue running during a group run, I will notify the session leader or in their absence, another DCR member, of my intention to stop and accept personal responsibility for returning to the starting point of the run.

  7. I agree to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for running and to dress appropriately for the weather and lighting conditions at the time of the run

  8. I agree to carry a running light or torch if I participate in group runs occurring before sunrise or after sunset.

  9. I acknowledge that I am personally responsible for the security of my belongings/ possessions during each run (this includes car keys).

  10. I understand the club is operated and managed by volunteers. I understand these volunteers assume no liability nor will they be held responsible in any manner for any injury (up to and including death) which occurs through following information on the DCR website, Facebook page, any DCR Facebook groups or through participation in group events.

  11. I understand not all DCR volunteers have undertaken formal training or coaching programs. Advice received from any volunteer is to be considered ‘runner to runner’ and is in no way to be considered as professional training or medical advice. Volunteers that do have formal coaching (or other) qualifications will be listed on the DCR website.

  12. I agree to abide by all DCR member rules, policies and procedures and to follow instructions/directions given by DCR Session Leaders while participating in group runs.

  13. I agree that if I do not renew my membership within 30 days of it lapsing, my access to the DCR Member Facebook page will be removed and I will no longer receive electronic corespondance sent to members.

  14. I agree that if I do not renew my membership within 30 days of it lapsing and I attend DCR sessions, I will be participating as a non-member.

  15. I understand that if I am under 18 years of age, I am not able to participate in DCR group runs or events without direct parental supervision or direct  supervision from an adult designated by my parent.

  16. I consent to DCR (and their appointees) using my name, images or likeness before, during and after a run for promotional, broadcasting or reporting purposes across all forms of media.

  17. I have read and understood all the DCR policies and procedures and agree to abide by the behaviours and expectations stated in these policies and procedures.

Please consult with your doctor before beginning any fitness, nutrition or running program or before undertaking any other change in lifestyle.

Junior Members (Under 18 Years)

It’s wonderful to see families running together and we encourage you to get your children involved. We want our children to see that running is good for your physical, mental and social health.

Junior members (under 18 years) are welcome at DCR, however we ask that the following conditions are met:

  • Children under 11 years at all times must be no further than arms distance from their parent or adult guardian

  • Children aged from 11 to 17 years are able to run without a parent or adult guardian however the parent/adult guardian must provide their contact details on the sign in form at all authorised club events/runs/sessions.  The parent/guardian must be present to pick up the child at the conclusion of the event/run/session.

  • No scooters or bikes are allowed on any official club event/run/session.

  • Any dog accompanying you or your child must be kept on a short lead at all times.

All of our Volunteer Session Leaders and officials have their Working with Children Check, as per the Working with Children Act 2005 however the responsibility of the child remains with the parent/adult guardian. This means that children are welcome at all DCR sessions but children under 11 years must be actively supervised at all times. Children aged 11 to 17 years must have a parent/guardian available to be contacted immediately and/or have an adult/adult guardian responsible for them at all DCR authorised events/runs/sessions.

Running in the dark and on roads

Running in the dark
When running in a group before sunrise or after sunset, all members are advised to wear appropriate clothing.

Depending on the route and distance being run, there may be sections of footpath and road which are not well lit (or not lit at all). Lights are required by members to reduce the risk of tripping on uneven surfaces and to increase visibility to drivers and other pedestrians. It is the responsibility of each individual runner to provide a light – these can include headlamps, handheld torches or clip-on lights.

Running on roads
When running in a group and it becomes necessary to run alongside a road (where there is no footpath) or on the road itself, all members will run against the traffic, at a maximum of two abreast. When a car passes, all members must drop to single file.

Where it is necessary to cross a road or driveway as part of a group run, it is the individual’s responsibility to check for oncoming traffic (bikes, cars etc) or reversing cars before crossing. Road rules (such as pedestrian signals at traffic lights) should be obeyed in all instances. Our runners’ safety is of utmost importance – members are advised that unsafe behaviour is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

Extreme Weather

DCR Extreme Weather Policy

Effective from January 2024

DCR is committed to keeping members safe at all times. Running in extreme weather conditions can pose a serious risk for DCR members. The DCR Extreme Weather Policy needs to accommodate members as well as coaches, taking into account the wide diversity of DCR runners and the training that DCR coaches have received. The responsibility to cancel a session due to extreme weather, as articulated in the DCR Extreme Weather Policy, sits with the lead coach. While a DCR session is running, the session leader has the authority to cancel the session if changing weather circumstances, or need of the runners require to cancel the session. Overall accountability for the policy sits with the lead coach, including the authority to override the decision of the session leader if required.


1.1 Heat


Situation: Apparent temperature at or below 30 degrees at 5pm

Action: Planned session can continue, but the session leader should consider reducing distance/reps/intensity or increasing recoveries, or alternate routes, if required. The lead coach has the authority to override the decision of the session leader if required. Suggestions on how a session can be altered are listed below

Situation: Apparent temperature >30 degrees at 5pm

Action: DCR Session cancelled by the lead coach.


1.2 Storm


Situation: 30 seconds or less from the lightning flash to the thunder during the DCR session

Action: DCR session cancelled by the session leader. The lead coach has the authority to override the decision of the session leader if the lead coach deems the situation in any way not suitable for DCR runners

Situation: At 5pm a severe storm is likely going to impact the DCR session area

Action: DCR session cancelled by the lead coach


1.3 Fire Danger


Situation: Fire danger rating in the ‘central fire district’ is forecasted to be Extreme or Code Red (FDI 75 or above) on the day of the planned DCR session. The forecasted fire danger rating will be checked at 5pm on the day of the planned DCR session.

Action: DCR session will be cancelled by the lead coach



2.1 Where to get temperature from: Apparent Temperature at 5pm from the Viewbank Observatory. Bookmark this link for quick reference



2.2 Where to get the Fire Rating from: https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-restrictions/total-fire-bans-fire-danger-ratings/central-fire-district




3 Notifications


Lead coach:

–   Team App


Between 2 and 5pm: lead coach communicates with session leader about the potential to cancel the session


5pm: If conditions to cancel the session has been met, the Lead coach will post a note on Team App that the session has been cancelled

Communications Officer:

Morning of Session: post the ‘How to prepare in the heat’ slide (on Dropbox and FB file)



4 Alternative Extreme Weather Sessions


400m reps with walk 200/jog 200 recoveries

Less repetitions

Allow runners to stop whenever they feel they’ve had enough


Lower intensity of exertion

If it’s well before others, they may like to walk or stretch in shade. Do not enforce everyone to do a set number of reps.

Feel free to cease session early.

Winders (in straight line on Marngrook)


Shorter times of exertion

200s on the 2mins


Drills (like Steve Dineen session)

Longer recoveries


Reps finish in one place

(keep drinks here)

5k Run: Laps of Dog Park Loop

Opportunity for water every 1.4km (as many runners do not carry water).

Runners have the option of ceasing before 5k if they wish.

8-10km: Encourage runners to head towards DC pool to end of track, then back for loops of dog park. Or else, remind them to drink at

Adventure Playground.

More water stops (as many runners don’t carry water).

These are usually the more fit/experienced runners so may choose to run normal route. Do suggest alternative route for their



  • On oval – keep drink bottles under big tree in shade (or at each station for relays). All runners to have chance to rest in shade and re-hydrate whenever Encourage this after each lap/rep.
  • Whenever a 30deg+ day is forecast, the session leader should post on FB to prepare This will be a pre-prepared slide that we can all access and use



5 Resources


Heat policy

The heat policy is based on the guidance provided by VIC SPORT. The threshold temperatures are considered sensible as agreed by the DCR coaching committee on 27 November 2023


The storm policy is based on the 30/30 rules is advised by Outdoor Victoria

Fire Danger

The fire danger policy is based on the advised provided by CFA Victoria


6 Risk Factors

We need to take the risk running in the heat seriously, particularly due to the age/fitness/health of some of our members. The following are risk factors for Exertional Heat Illnesses (heat stroke, heat exhaustion). The greatest risk is related to the rate of physical exertion relative to the fitness of the individual.





Hot, humid conditions

Long duration (>1hr at high exertion)

Lack of hot weather acclimatisation

Multiple days/nights exposed to heat

High intensity


Early/late heat waves (eg spring or autumn)

Trying to keep up with faster runners

Low fitness level

Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)* over 30deg during high intensity exercise or strenuous exercise longer than 1hour

*WBGT is hard to measure as it needs to be taken at the exact location that the activity

Prolonged, near-maximal exertion

Inappropriate clothing (heavy, high skin coverage)

Age > 40yo, esp >65yo

Dehydrated, lack of fluid intake prior/during exercise


Lack of sleep

Medications that affect thermoregulation

Unwell (esp gastro)


Signs & Symptoms of Heat Stroke/Heat Exhaustion

All Session Leaders need to commit to monitoring runners with known risk factors (as above). Watch for any of the following signs among all runners:



Unusual/irrational behaviour




Poor balance

Inability to walk

Heat sensations on


Sweaty, pale



Profound fatigue

Goose bumps




If runners show any of these signs, Session Leader must help them reduce their core body temp ie. Dowsing them with water, providing water to drink and call an ambulance if symptoms do not resolve.


Armstrong, L.E., Casa, D.J., Millard-Stafford, M. et al. American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: Exertional Heat Illness During Training and Competition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Special Communications 2007.

Driscoll, T.R., Cripps, R., Brotherood, J.R. (2008). Heat Related Injuries Resulting in hospitalisation in Australian Sport. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport; 11, pp40-47



SevereWeather-Guidance-Note-May2021.pdf (outdoorsvictoria.org.au)

Electronic and Social Media

Our primary means of communication with our members is via electronic media such as Facebook, our web page and email. It allows us to share club news and relevant information with our members. DCR will ensure all member communications are timely, appropriate and relevant to club-related business. Personal information regarding members will not be disclosed. All forms of elecrtonic media will respect and maintain the privacy of our members.

DCR will make every effort to ensure that all information on our website, Facebook page, Members Facebook Group and in club communications is true, accurate and complete. The material contained within these communications is not intended to be nor should it be relied on as professional advice. You should not act on the basis of anything contained in these communications without first obtaining specific professional advice.

A valid email address is required when members register with DCR. This email address will not be made accessible to other members (unless the member in question consents for it to be shared) and will not be used for any other purpose outside of club-related business. Member email addresses will not be provided to third parties (outside of DCR) in any instance without explicit consent by the member.

Our website is available to the general public. It provides information about DCR and includes a link to join our club. The website is maintained and updated by the DCR Committee.

Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
DCR is active on various forms of social media. These accounts are available to the general public. Social media accounts are maintained and updated by the DCR Committee.

DCR Members Facebook Group
The DCR Members Facebook group is a closed group and Administrators will only approve paid members of DCR to join this group. Posts to the DCR Members Facebook group can be made by any group member and must contain club or running related information.

The DCR Committee will monitor the Members group and if a post and/or comment is deemed offensive, abusive, inappropriate or damaging to our reputation or the reputation of any member, or deemed to be a commercial pitch, or not appropriately running- related, it will be removed and the member responsible given a warning and/or removed from the page.

The listing of members in the DCR Members Facebook group will be periodically reviewed each year against membership lists and those whose memberships have lapsed will be removed after 30 days.

Use of Photos and Videos
By becoming a member you consent to DCR using photos or videos including your image to promote our services on our website. In the instance where a member does not want an image of themselves published, they must make this clear at the time the image is taken. If an image is published and a member requests that it is removed, this will be actioned as soon as possible and the member will be informed of the action taken.

Inappropriate Online Behaviour
Members who fail to follow the guidelines above across any of our electronic communication channels may face disciplinary action. This may be a written warning, removal from group or banned from social media access, or in more serious cases, incidents may be reported to police. Cyber-bullying (bullying that is carried out through an internet service such as Facebook, email, instant messaging or website) is a criminal offence and instances of bullying behaviour (harassment, offense, intimidation or humiliation) will be reported to police if necessary.

Bullying/Harassment/Inappropriate Behaviour/Complaints

Diamond Creek Runners (DCR) aim to provide a supportive and inclusive environment that is free from bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour of any kind. The information below is to be followed in conjunction with the dispute resolution procedures set out in the DCR Incorporated Association Model Rules.

Bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated at DCR and complaints made regarding this type of behaviour will be treated as serious and dealt with promptly, confidentially and impartially.

How to deal with an issue

If you feel comfortable, DCR encourages members to approach the person involved and ask them to stop the offending behaviour. Committee Members are available to assist if required.

If a more formal approach is required, the following steps will be taken:

  1. A formal complaint should be made to the Committee President (unless the complaint directly concerns the President, in which case the Vice President should receive it).

  2. On receiving the formal complaint the President will decide:

    1. If they are the most appropriate person to handle the complaint

    2. Whether the nature of the complaint warrants a formal resolution procedure or can be dealt with internally

    3. Whether to appoint someone to investigate (gather more information) regarding the complaint

  3. The resolution process will:

    1. Allow the complainant and implicated person to know the full details of what is being said

    2. Provide an opportunity to respond

    3. Be unbiased, fair and just

    4. Ensure that any penalties imposed are fair and just

The DCR Committee will refer to the Australian Human Rights Commission Guidelines on good practice guidelines for internal complaint processes to ensure all incidents are handled appropriately and following all legal requirements.

Equal Opportunity
Diamond Creek Runners is an equal opportunity club and applies this principle across all aspects of its memberships, committee appointments and volunteer approvals. All decisions will be made based on a person’s relevant skills/experience and will not be based on gender, age, marital/parental status, race, religion, physical or intellectual ability, sexual preference or political affiliation (or any other personal characteristic). An exception to this statement will only occur in the event that a member must be prohibited from club participation/membership for health and/or safety considerations.

All members of DCR are expected to treat other members and the public with respect and courtesy and will not discriminate based on personal characteristics. If a member has a concern about another member’s behaviour, it should be reported to the committee immediately. Member behaviour deemed as discriminatory will be subject to disciplinary action. The DCR Committee will refer to and seek advice will be sort from the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission.

Dealing with an incident

Diamond Creek Runners (DCR) aims to provide an environment which is as safe as reasonably possible for our members and our volunteers. In the event of an incident, the information set out below applies to all committee members, runners and volunteers associated with DCR and will be followed in conjunction with existing DCR policies and procedures.

Medical Incident
If the person is conscious and can make their own decisions, ask them what you can do to help. Take reasonable steps to get them home safely, such as calling a family or friend to collect them or to inform them of the incident.

If the person is unconscious and a family member is not present, call ‘000’.

Once the person has been handed over to a family member, friend, paramedics, please contact a committee member to let them know what happened. When you get home and have time, please complete an Incident Report. Please aim to do this as soon as possible so the information is as accurate as possible.

Behavioural Incident
Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in DCR. If you witness an incident or are told of an incident that is not appropriate, please inform a committee member and complete an incident report.

Incident involving a non-member
As we run on public paths, we will interact with non-members. If there is an incident involving a non-member, please complete an incident report.

Member Emergency Contact Details and Medical Information
All committee members have access to member Emergency Contact Details and medical information given at time of registration. This information is treated with privacy (see Privacy Policy) and will only be used in an emergency. Please contact a committee member if you need this information.

After any incident, please complete an online Incident Form.


Diamond Creek Runners this information may include (but is not limited to) names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, dependents (family details), medical conditions and results of DCR runs.

We commit to only collecting information that is necessary to conduct normal DCR activities and events and to help ensure the safety of members and participants at DCR activities and events.

The information collected will be available for use by DCR committee members and Session Leaders for the express purpose of running DCR activities and events, publishing results and ensuring member safety. Medical conditions noted by member in the member database will be accessed in the event of an incident and passed onto relevant medical personal as required.

By providing this information to DCR, you agree with its use as outlined above, unless you specify otherwise. You are entitled to access your own personal information held by DCR and to have any errors corrected.

By becoming a member you consent to DCR using photos or videos including your image to promote our services on our website. In the instance where a member does not want an image of themselves published, they must make this clear at the time the image is taken. If an image is published and a member requests that it is removed, this will be actioned as soon as possible and the member will be informed of the action taken.

If you have questions regarding our compliance with the Privacy legislation or the use of your personal information, please contact a DCR committee member.

Session Leaders

Sessions Leaders are volunteers who have committed their time to DCR. They love running and want to create an environment that is welcoming to all. They are the key points of contact at DCR sessions.

Sessions leaders will:

  • arrive 10 mins before the start time

  • take attendance via team app

  • welcome people as they arrive and keep a look out for new members and visitors

  • promote the club and encouarge membership to visitors

  • deliver a pre-run brief, clearly explaining the session, providing information and answering any questions

  • be the last to leave after ensuring all runners have returned safely (this is up to 90 minutes after the start time as stated in the pre-run brief)

  • take the lead in the event of an incident and complete an incident report

  • communicate any feedback to committee and/or session leader group to improve processes